Why to start my EME operation?
I have spent my previous HAM radio activity (50 years) on the HF bands only. I put my brain to the TopBand mainly since 1964.
As somebody more clever than me said „nothing is for ever“ I have personally obtained conviction that DXing on HF bands and 160m mainly is not so as it used to be before. Because of being at the end of collecting of the Band points and this competition disgusted me, so I don't want to be patient for this a few DXCC countries which I am still missing on a certain HF bands. But of course I will carry on the HF bands further.
I began to consider what to do next time. As I am not contester so I lent my remote controlled QTH to contesters who are enthusiastic to use one and all seems to me that they generated very good results from there. I was told that I built the best antennas system for the 160m band in EU ( I am adding maybe ).
I have never inclined to VHF bands but what to do in future taking-up postage stamps NO !!!! so that I decided to start up EME operation.
The future will show me more ......