Sequential Evolution Antennas for EME

You can find here gradual development of my antennas systems for EME. Due to very high noise into my home QTH I was forced to give up this sort of operation or to move my EME operation into silent area and build a new remote controlled QTH there.
Please follow my afford here in this article and put yourself a question :is it worth the effort and money ???????

Stage nr.1

There are on photo a new antennas system of 4×9el. YAGI DK7ZB design antennas for 6m band and 12×10el. LT YAGI YU7EF design nested in one AZ/EL control.

The total weight of the system ( trolley included ) is 1 382kg, so I had to renovate tower and system of uplift. The new winch is the highest quality Swiss made with special rostfest conical brake and 9mm steel rostfest rope. This system together with built-in tackle allows me to lift up to 3 tons of weight !!! It means for me , that I can expand my antennas system again in future, as I am a crazy HAM enough.

eme1-1-nahled eme2-1-nahled vratek-1-nahled
Note: Unfortunately this big antennas system cannot keep fine during mesoscale wind so that I had to add an automatic pulling system which loweres antennas in time.

Stage nr.2

I have re-built 2m EME antennas system. Now I have in use 4×144×28 cross antennas manufactured by Dithmar, DF7KF

new-20eme-206-2-1-nahled eme2-1-nahled

Stage nr.3 – a remote controlled QTH for EME operation

This new remote controlled QTH (not finished yet ) uses antennas system of the cross yagi antennas developed by DF7KF (DM1CG) 8×14XP /by the way excellent antennas H/V pol. from elecrical and mechanical point a view, thanks guys/.

The EME power is 3kW out (3×GS35) into circular polarization and for reception IQ+ Linrad software 

see pictures in EME remote QTH part of the www pages